



We are a multilingual company, driven by the constant challenges of breaking down communication barriers between people, whether they come from the same place or from different parts of the world.


The consulting service is a process that covers assessments, measures, and improvements focused on the quality of translations and proofreading.

Consulting services can be provided for:

Businesses that use translation services: These businesses may require the quality consulting from their translation providers, so they can acquire the Learning Center certification seal, thus, ensuring the quality of the services rendered.

Translation companies: By purchasing the Learning Center consulting service, they will have the support needed for certifying the quality of their services.

Translators and proofreaders: They will be able to confirm the quality of their work with the Learning Center certification seal.

After completing all the steps of our consulting service and a final assessment, the customer will receive the Learning Center quality seal. With this seal, the business and the professional will achieve greater visibility in the market, in addition to continuous quality control and a sales volume increase.


The process of transferring content in a foreign language to Portuguese.


The process of transferring content in Portuguese to a foreign language.

In the version process, it is extremely important to focus on the culture and style of the target audience.


and Language Adaptation

The process of checking grammar, terminology, and spelling in a text.

In addition to the proofreading process, we may also consider the language adaptation process, in which we not only focus on grammar issues, but also on style and the inclusion and exclusion of text.

The adaptation process is also used in cases of linguistic variations in the same language.

Certified Translation

Performed by certified translators.

This type of translation is recommended when a document needs to have legal value before consulates and other public agencies.

Certified Translation


Translation or transcription of audiovisual content, which is synchronized with the speeches or texts as they appear on the video.


The process of turning audio into written text. Here, we may consider both audio and video content.



It consists of creating a glossary and validating terms in the translation process. We may also create reference materials, such as style guides, translation memories, and supporting materials.


Adjusting the text within the environment in which the translation will be used, following proper terminology, and considering the context of the product.



MTPE means Machine Translation Post-Editing. It is a process in which texts that have been translated by machines are proofread by humans.